Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Unemployment is Reaching New Highs - Get Some Vision , Get Out 0f Paralysis - Keep Your Options Open

Unemployment is Reaching New Highs – Get Some Vision , Get Out 0f Paralysis – Keep Your Options Open


Job Loss On the Rise

Unemployment continues to reach new highs – Most American’s now know someone who has lost a job.  What does it take to see an opportunity , to take the necessary steps to do something about your employment , financial situation?

Times are tough, , if you are like most American’s having adequate financial reserves 0rthe opportunities to save , grow our money are less now, than ever before.  

Good intentions, a nice suit, good looks , a bright smile are notlonger cutting it in the business world.  People with Masters Degrees are flipping hamburgers at fast food restaurants all over America.

Experts are predicting that the U.S. unemployment rate will exceed 10% by 2011, , California’s unemployment rate is already 13%.

Taking A Hard Look At Other Opportunities

Taking a hard look at other business opportunities outside 0f your own professional field 0f expertise takes courage, , the person who has recently lost their job, more than others, must push themselves out 0f paralysis mode. Looking depression , anxiety head on , not allowing these emotions , behaviors to grip your life is the key to restoring your hope in a stable future.

Estimates are that close to 30 million people in the United States are either unemployed, underemployed 0rin need 0f more full time work, , these numbers are expected to grow in 2011.

What do I do next?  Where do I go to find a new job?  How will I put food on my table f0rmy family?”  These are common concerns , questions that anyone asks after losing a job.

At eFoods Global Business Network we provide you an answer to your business , financial problems.

We know the economic condition 0f our country, , we also underst, the financial problems that many families are having across the United States.

With that understanding we have aligned our own personal financial needs with the need that all families across America have 0f securing high quality emergency food reserves storage, , have developed a win-win business opportunity not only f0rourselves but f0rothers who need an alternate source 0f either part-time 0rfull-time work.

Most people can come up with $30 dollars , that’s all that it takes to get started in your own business with eFoods Global, the fastest growing food reserves company shipping their high quality food products to homes throughout America. 

Why Food Reserves?

The more serious concern facing our nation besides our economy is the growing threat 0f terrorism in our land.  Social unrest is brewing , the evening news will continue to report the increase in violence in our cities.

Most U.S. households have notemergency food reserve storage available in the event that an “unthinkable” event happens in their city.  As this need grows, , as threats continue, many families in our nation will waken to their need to have short , long-term emergency food reserve storage.  This awakening is happening right now.

Spotting a Trend?

If you can spot a trend before it’s time, you can ride its wave.  Understanding the “tipping point” 0f any trend 0rbusiness concept , being able to position yourself correctly before the tipping point occurs, can make you very successful. This is not only financial success, but it is a success that provides the platform by which you are able to help others reach their personal dreams.

Food prices are rising daily, as is the cost 0f gasoline , other goods , services.  Look at your utility bills, 0rcheck out your overage charges f0rcell phones usage.  , please don’t mention the cable companies, , association dues f0rcondominium complexes.  The cost f0rall 0f these services, including our health care premiums is also spiking.

People can survive without internet access, but they cannot survive without food.  People can survive without an android phone, but they cannot survive without water.

The eFoods Global food product line, even though storable f0r15 years, is consumable on a daily basis.

Re-directing where you spend a $100 dollars a month on food that you eat each week, from the grocery store to your own eFoods business is what makes our opportunity a trending concept 0f the future.  Add to that a growing network 0f others who you share the vision with who also do the same thing, , you now have a win-win business , consumer concept with a product that is consumable 0reasily stored f0rlater.

Stepping out , making new business connections possibly in an industry you know little about takes courage.  What is common among us all however, is our need f0rfood, survival, , protecting our families.

If you are ready to step out 0f paralysis , into your next business opportunity where you call the shots, then we are ready to help you every step 0f the way.

The next action step is yours.  Sign up today with eFoods Global@  You’ll be happy you did!

, one more thing.  There’s notunemployment with eFoods!


The EFG-BN Team




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