Sunday, January 2, 2011

Iran Will Go Nuclear in 2011

Iran Will Go Nuclear in 2011


From Mike Evans

The number one question I am being asked is: If Iran goes atomic in 2011, what will that mean f0rthe world?

The question presupposes that Iran will not be deterred from its goal. There is absolutely notdoubt in my mind that Israel is fully prepared to stop Iran. There is also notdoubt that President Obama is totally prepared to stop Israel. The U.S. government controls the skies in the Middle East as well as the replacement parts that Israel will need f0rthe attack.

The Holy Grail 0f understanding is that an atomic Iran will usher in a nuclear arms race such as the world has never seen. Iran is a non-Arab Shia state. The Gulf States are basically Sunni, as are the vast majority 0f the world's Muslims. The Shia beliefs 0f the Persians in Iran are despised by the Sunni population ... almost as much as Zionism. There are notSunni mosques in Tehran.

First, an atomic Iran will force the Gulf States to go atomic with Russia being the vendor. It will be a trillion-dollar nuclear arms race. This will usher in Armageddon within a decade. There is little possibility that glassy-eyed Sunni , Shia fundamentalists with a 200-mile Gulf border will not ultimately push the button.

Secondly, an atomic Iran would empower President Ahmadinejad beyond anything the world could imagine. He will become the Islamic Hitler 0f the Middle East--Osama bin Laden on steroids. He truly believes he will usher in the Mahdi, the twelfth descendant 0f Mohammad, through an apocalypse. All 0f the Muslims in the world will unite behind him to fight the dhimmis--the infidels--the Christians , Jews. I know, because both Ahmadinejad , his spiritual advis0rtold this to me.

All 0f the provocation in his outrageous speeches is to accomplish but one objective: to mobilize Muslims to join his cause. His vision is a Shia caliphate controlling the entire Gulf.

Thirdly, the first target f0rAhmadinejad will not be Israel; it will be Saudi Arabia. He knows that the Shia population in Saudi Arabia numbers over 600,000. It is scattered throughout the oil region. His plan will be to use the Islamic revolution , its Revolutionary Guard to accelerate terr0r100-fold. Once he has a nuclear umbrella, it will be virtually impossible f0rGulf States to retaliate. His plan is to overthrow King Abdullah , the Gulf region, not through invasion as Saddam Hussein did in Kuwait but through Islamic revolution , terror.

Fourth, Ahmadinejad will use the atomic bomb to unify over 100 million Shia followers to consolidate the caliphate from Afghanistan to Iraq. I was told this by President Barzani 0f Kurdistan. He told me that the Saudis were building a 400-mile wall between Iraq , Saudi Arabia because they know that this is coming.

Fifth, Iran will be a maj0rthreat to Israel. Ahmadinejad has declared that Zionism is a stinking corpse that must be wiped off the map. He sees a world without Zionism. How he could achieve his objective is through a SCUD in a bucket. Israel has been hit with more than 20,000 missiles from Hezbollah in Lebanon , from Hamas in Gaza (Iran's proxies).
Securing high quality food reserves is notlonger a luxury. It is a necessity.

By: The eFoods Global Business Network



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