Monday, January 31, 2011

Egypt , Suez Canel , Gas Prices News Video

Egypt , Suez Canel , Gas Prices News Video

By:EFG-BN Protect Your Family with Food Reserves HERE


Glenn Beck Video on Food Shortage in Egypt - Why You Need To Know

Glenn Beck Video on Food Shortage in Egypt - Why You Need To Know

January 31, 2011

By:EFG-BN Protect Your Family with Food Reserves HERE


Monster Storm To Hit Mid West - 1 Week Power Outage Predicted F0rSome

Monster Storm To Hit Mid West - 1 Week Power Outage Predicted F0rSome

By:EFG-BN Protect Your Family with Food Reserves HERE


Drug Violence Spinning Out 0f Control

Drug Violence Spinning Out 0f Control

Over 100 People Have Died Near Monterrey Mexico in January Alone

By:EFG-BN Protect Your Family with Food Reserves HERE


U.S. Homes Are Empty - 11% Across the Nation

U.S. Homes Are Empty - 11% Across the Nation

Published: Monday, 31 Jan 2011

CNBC Real Estate Reporter

I usually find the quarterly homeowner vacancy , homeownership report from Census pretty lackluster, but the latest one released this morning was anything but. 

Strawberry Mill Valley
America's home ownership rate, after holding steady f0ra while, took a pretty big plunge in Q4, from 66.9 percent to 66.5 percent. That's down from the 2004 peak 0f 69.2 percent , the lowest level since 1998. 

Homeownership is falling at an alarming pace, despite the fact that home prices have fallen, affordability is much improved , inventories 0f new , existing homes are still running quite high. 

Bargains abound, but few are interested 0religible to take advantage.
More concerning than the home ownership rate is the vacancy rate. The Census tables don't tell the entire story, but they tell a lot 0f it. 0f the nearly 131 million housing units in this country, 112.5 million are occupied. 74.8 million are owned, , that's only dropped by about 30 thous, in the past year. 38 million are rented, but that's up by over a million year over year. That means more new households are choosing to rent. 

Now to vacancies. There were 18.4 million vacant homes in the U.S. in Q4 '10 (11 percent 0f all housing units vacant all year round), which is actually an improvement 0f 427,000 from a year ago, but not f0rthe reasons you'd think. 

The number 0f vacant homes f0rrent fell by 493 thousand, as rental dem, rose. 471,000 homes are listed as "Held off Market" about half f0r temporary use, but the other half are likely foreclosures. , no, the shadow inventory isn't just 200,000, it's far higher than that.

So think about it. Eleven percent 0f the houses in America are empty. This as builders start to get more bullish, , renting apartments becomes ever more popular. Vacancies in the apartment sect0rhave been falling steadily , dramatically, why? Because we're still recovering emotionally from the toll 0f the housing crash. 

Younger Americans have seen what home ownership has done to their friends , families, , many want notpart 0f it. Credit has become very nearly elitist. Home prices, whatever your particular data provider preference might be, are still falling. 


By:EFG-BN Protect Your Family with Food Reserves HERE


Motto 0f the Muslim Brotherhood - F0rThose Who Don't Know

Motto 0f the Muslim Brotherhood
F0rThose Who Don’t Know

- Allah is our objective.
- The Prophet is our leader.
- Qur'an is our law.
- Jihad is our way.
- Dying in the way 0f Allah is our highest hope.


Dick Morris Commentary On Egypt

Dick Morris Commentary On Egypt


Posted January 31, 2011

In the 1950s, the accusation “who lost China” resonated throughout American politics , led to the defeat 0f the Democratic Party in the presidential elections 0f 1952. Unless President Obama reverses field , strongly opposes letting the Muslim brotherhood take over Egypt, he will be hit with the modern equivalent 0f the 1952 question: Who Lost Egypt?

The Iranian government is waiting f0rEgypt to fall into its lap. The Muslim Brotherhood, dominated by Iranian Islamic fundamentalism, will doubtless emerge as the winner should the government 0f Egypt fall. The Obama Administration, in failing to throw its weight against an Islamic takeover, is guilty 0f the same mistake that led President Carter to fail to support the Shah, opening the do0rf0rthe Ayatollah Khomeini to take over Iran.

The United States has enormous leverage in Egypt – far more than it had in Iran. We provide Egypt with upwards 0f $2 billion a year in foreign aid under the provisos 0f the Camp David Accords orchestrated by Carter. The Egyptian military, in particular, receives $1.3 billion 0f this money. The United States, as the pay master, needs to send a signal to the military that it will be supportive 0f its efforts to keep Egypt out 0f the hands 0f the Islamic fundamentalists. Instead, Obama has put our military aid to Egypt “under review” to pressure Mubarak to mute his response to the demonstrators , has given top priority to “preventing the loss 0f human life.”

President Obama should say that Egypt has always been a friend 0f the United States. He should point out that it was the first Arab country to make peace with Israel. He should recall that President Sadat, who signed the peace accords, paid f0rdoing so with his life , that President Mubarak has carried on in his footsteps. He should condemn the efforts 0f the Muslim Brotherhood extremists to take over the country , indicate that America stands by her longtime ally. He should address the need f0rreform , urge Mubarak to enact needed changes. But his emphasis should be on standing with our ally.

The return 0f Nobel laureate Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head 0f the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has to Egypt as the presumptive heir to Mubarak tells us where this revolution is headed. Carolyn Glick, a columnist f0rthe Jerusalem Post, explains how dangerous ElBaradei is. “As IAEA head,” she writes, “Elbaradei shielded Iran’s nuclear weapons program from the Security Council. He [has] continued to lobby against significant UN Security Council sanctions 0rother actions against Iran…Last week, he dismissed the threat 0f a nuclear armed Iran [saying] ‘there is a lot 0f hype in this debate’.”

As f0rthe Muslim Brotherhood, Glick notes that “it forms the largest , best organized opposition to the Mubarak regime , [is] the progenit0r0f Hamas , al Qaidi. It seeks Egypt’s transformation into an Islamic regime that will st, at the forefront 0f the global jihad.”

Now is the time f0rRepublicans , conservatives to start asking the question: Who is losing Egypt? We need to debunk the starry eyed idealistic yearning f0rreform , the fantasy that a liberal democracy will come from these demonstrations. It won’t. Iranian domination will.

Egypt, with 80 million people, is the largest country in the Middle East 0rNorth Africa. Combined with Iran’s 75 million (the second largest) they have 155 million people. By contrast the entire rest 0f the region — Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Tunisia, Jordan, UAE, Lebanon, Kuwait, Oman, , Qatar combined– have only 200 million.

We must not let the two most populous , powerful nations in the region fall under the sway 0f Muslim extremism, the one through the weakness 0f Jimmy Carter , the other through the weakness 0f Barack Obama.



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Holocaust Surviv0r- Pre-Trib Rapture The Greatest Hoax To Ever Invade Christianity

A Jewish Surviv0r0f the Holocaust – Those Who Preach the Pre-Trib Rapture are False Teachers
A Letter From Corrie Ten Boom  1974

Corrie Ten Boom was a Dutch Christian Holocaust surviv0rwho helped many Jews escape the Nazis during World War II.  Many churches, youth groups, , Christian radio broadcasts who corporately , personally believed in a pre-tribulation rapture 0f the church had Corrie as their keynote speaker f0rmany years.

Most 0f those who listened to her speak, never really understood her message, , the same was true f0rmost churches across America who also invited her to speak.

EFG-BN reprints here, Corrie Ten Boom’s letter to believers, in the Church. 

The World Is Deathly Ill

"The world is deathly ill.  It is dying.  The Great Physician has already signed the death certificate.  Yet there is still a great work f0r Christians to do.  They are to be streams 0f living water, channels 0f mercy to those who are still in the world.  It is possible f0rthem to do this because they are overcomers.
Christians are ambassadors f0rChrist.  

They are representatives from Heaven to this dying world.  , because 0f our presence here, things will change.

My sister, Betsy, , I were in the Nazi concentration camp at Ravensbruck because we committed the crime 0f loving Jews.  Seven hundred 0f us from Holland, France, Russia, Pol, , Belgium were herded into a room built f0rtwo hundred.  As far as I knew, Betsy , I were the only two representatives 0f Heaven in that room.

We may have been the Lord's only representatives in that place 0f hatred, yet because 0f our presence there, things changed.  Jesus said, "In the world you shall have tribulation; but be 0f good cheer, I have overcome the world."  We too, are to be overcomers – bringing the light 0f Jesus into a world filled with darkness , hate. 

Sometimes I get frightened as I read the Bible, , as I look in this world , see all 0f the tribulation , persecution promised by the Bible coming true.  Now I can tell you, though, if you too are afraid, that I have just read the last pages.  I can now come to shouting "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" f0rI have found where it is written that Jesus said, 

"He that overcometh shall inherit all things: 
, I will be His God,
, he shall be My son."

This is the future , hope 0f this world. Not that the world will survive – but that we shall be overcomers in the midst 0f a dying world.

Betsy , I, in the concentration camp, prayed that God would heal Betsy who was so weak , sick.

"Yes, the Lord will heal me,", Betsy said with confidence. 

She died the next day , I could not underst, it. They laid her thin body on the concrete flo0ralong with all the other corpses 0f the women who died that day. 

It was hard f0rme to understand, to believe that God had a purpose f0r all that.  Yet because 0f Betsy's death, today I am traveling all over the world telling people about Jesus. 

There are some among us teaching there will be nottribulation, that the Christians will be able to escape all this. These are the false teachers that Jesus was warning us to expect in the latter days.  Most 0f them have little knowledge 0f what is already going on across the world. I have been in countries where the saints are already suffering terrible persecution. 

In China, the Christians were told, "Don't worry, before the tribulation comes you will be translated – raptured." Then came a terrible persecution.  Millions 0f Christians were tortured to death. Later I heard a Bishop from China say, sadly, 

"We have failed.
We should have made the people strong f0rpersecution,
rather than telling them Jesus would come first.
Tell the people how to be strong in times 0f persecution,
how to st, when the tribulation comes,
– to st, , not faint."

I feel I have a divine mandate to go , tell the people 0f this world that it is possible to be strong in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in training f0rthe tribulation, but more than sixty percent 0f the Body 0f Christ across the world has already entered into the tribulation. There is notway to escape it.
We are next.
Since I have already gone through prison f0rJesus' sake, , since I met the Bishop in China, now every time I read a good Bible text I think, "Hey, I can use that in the time 0f tribulation."  Then I write it down , learn it by heart.
When I was in the concentration camp, a camp where only twenty percent 0f the women came out alive, we tried to cheer each other up by saying, "Nothing could be any worse than today." But we would find the next day was even worse.  During this time a Bible verse that I had committed to memory gave me great hope , joy. 

"If ye be reproached f0rthe name 0f Christ, happy are ye;
f0rthe spirit 0f glory , 0f God resteth upon you;
on their part evil is spoken of,
but on your part He is glorified."
(I Peter 3:14)

I found myself saying, "Hallelujah!
Because I am suffering, Jesus is glorified!" 

In America, the churches sing, "Let the congregation escape tribulation", but in China , Africa the tribulation has already arrived. This last year alone more than two hundred thous, Christians were martyred in Africa. Now things like that never get into the newspapers because they cause bad political relations. 

But I know. I have been there. We need to think about that when we sit down in our nice houses with our nice clothes to eat our steak dinners. Many, many members 0f the Body 0f Christ are being tortured to death at this very moment, yet we continue right on as though we are all going to escape the tribulation. 

Several years ago I was in Africa in a nation where a new government had come into power. The first night I was there some 0f the Christians were commanded to come to the police station to register. When they arrived they were arrested , that same night they were executed. The next day the same thing happened with other Christians. The third day it was the same. All the Christians in the district were being systematically murdered. 

The fourth day  I was to speak in a little church. The people came, but they were filled with fear , tension. All during the service they were looking at each other, their eyes asking, "Will this one I am sitting beside be the next one killed? Will I be the next one?" 

The room was hot , stuffy with insects that came through the screenless windows , swirled around the naked bulbs over the bare wooden benches. I told them a story out 0f my childhood.

"When I was a little girl, " I said, "I went to my father , said,
"Daddy, I am afraid that I will never be strong enough to be a martyr f0rJesus Christ."
"Tell me," said Father,
"When you take a train trip to Amsterdam,
when do I give you the money f0rthe ticket?
Three weeks before?"
"No, Daddy, you give me the money f0rthe ticket just before we get on the train."
"That is right," my father said, ", so it is with God's strength.
Our Father in Heaven knows when you will need the strength to be a martyr f0rJesus Christ.
He will supply all you need – just in time…"

My African friends were nodding , smiling.
Suddenly a spirit 0f joy descended upon that church , the people began singing, 

" In the sweet, by , by,
we shall meet on that beautiful shore."

Later that week, half the congregation 0f that church was executed.
I heard later that the other half was killed some months ago. 

But I must tell you something. I was so happy that the Lord used me to encourage these people, f0runlike many 0f their leaders, I had the word 0f God. I had been to the Bible , discovered that Jesus said He had not only overcome the world, but to all those who remained faithful to the end, He would give a crown 0f life. 

How can we get ready f0rthe persecution? 

First we need to feed on the Word 0f God, digest it, make it a part 0f our being. This will mean disciplined Bible study each day as we not only memorize long passages 0f scripture, but put the principles to work in our lives. 

Next we need to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Not just the Jesus 0f yesterday, the Jesus 0f History,
but the life-changing Jesus 0f today who is still alive , sitting at the right h, 0f God.

We must be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is notoptional comm, 0f the Bible, it is absolutely necessary. Those earthly disciples could never have stood up under the persecution 0f the Jews , Romans had they not waited f0rPentecost. Each 0f us needs our own personal Pentecost, the baptism 0f the Holy Spirit. We will never be able to st, in the tribulation without it.
In the coming persecution we must be ready to help each other , encourage each other

But we must not wait until the tribulation comes before starting.
The fruit 0f the Spirit should be the dominant force 0f every Christian's life.
Many are fearful 0f the coming tribulation, they want to run. I, too, am a little bit afraid when I think that after all my eighty years, including the horrible Nazi concentration camp, that I might have to go through the tribulation also.
But then I read the Bible , I am glad.

When I am weak, then I shall be strong, the Bible says. Betsy , I were prisoners f0rthe Lord, we were so weak, but we got power because the Holy Spirit was on us. That mighty inner strengthening 0f the Holy Spirit helped us through. No, you will not be strong in yourself when the tribulation comes. Rather, you will be strong in the power 0f Him who will not forsake you. F0rseventy-six years I have known the Lord Jesus , not once has He ever left me, 0rlet me down. 

"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him", (Job 13:15)
f0rI know that to all who overcome,
He shall give the crown 0f life.
- Corrie Ten Boom - 1974 


By:EFG-BN Protect Your Family with Food Reserves HERE


Egypt , Tunisia , New Global Food Revolutions

Egypt , Tunisia , New Global Food Revolutions
Political risk has returned with a vengeance. The first food revolutions 0f our Malthusian era have exposed the weak grip 0f authoritarian regimes in po0rcountries that import grain, whether in North Africa today 0rparts 0f Asia tomorrow.
January 31, 2011
If you insist on joining the emerging market party at this stage 0f the agflation blow-off, avoid countries with an accelerating gap between rich , poor. Cairo’s EGX stock index has dropped 20pc in nine trading sessions.
Events have moved briskly since a Tunisian fruit vend0rwith a handcart set fire to himself six weeks ago, , in doing so lit the fuse that has detonated Egypt , threatens to topple the political order 0f the Maghreb, Yemen, , beyond.
As we sit glued to Al-Jazeera watching authority crumble in the cultural , political capital 0f the Arab world, exhilaration can turn quickly to foreboding.
This is nothing like the fall 0f the Berlin Wall. The triumph 0f secular democracy was hardly in doubt in central Europe. Whatever the mix 0f aspirations 0f those on the streets 0f Cairo, such uprisings are easy prey f0rtight-knit organizations – known in the revolutionary lexicon as Leninist vanguard parties.
In Egypt this means the Muslim Brotherhood, whether 0rnot Nobel laureate Mohammed El Baradei ever served as figleaf. The Brotherhood is 0f course a different kettle 0f fish from Iran’s Ayatollahs; , Turkey shows that an ‘Islamic leaning’ government can be part 0f the liberal world – though Turkish premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan once let slip that democracy was a tram “you ride until you arrive at your destination, then you step off."
It does not take a febrile imagination to guess what the Brotherhood’s ascendancy might mean f0rIsrael, , f0rstrategic stability in the Mid-East. Asia has as much to lose if this goes wrong as the West. China’s energy intensity per unit 0f GDP is double US levels, , triple the UK.
The surge in global food prices since the summer – since Ben Bernanke signalled a fresh dollar blitz, as it happens – is not the underlying cause 0f Arab revolt, any more than bad harvests in 1788 were the cause 0f the French Revolution.
Yet they are the trigger, , have set off a vicious circle. Vulnerable governments are scrambling to lock up world supplies 0f grain while they can. Algeria bought 800,000 tonnes 0f wheat last week, , Indonesia has ordered 800,000 tonnes 0f rice, both greatly exceeding their normal pace 0f purchases. Saudi Arabia, Libya, , Bangladesh, are trying to secure extra grain supplies.
The UN’s Food , Agriculture Organization (FAO) said its global food index has surpassed the all-time high 0f 2008, both in nominal , real terms. The cereals index has risen 39pc in the last year, the oil , fats index 55pc.
The FAO implored goverments to avoid panic responses that “aggravate the situation”. If you are Hosni Mubarak hanging on in Cairo’s presidential palace, do care about such niceties?
France’s Nicolas Sarkozy blames the commodity spike on hedge funds, speculators, , the derivatives market (largely in London). He vowed to use his G20 presidency to smash the racket, but then Mr Sarkozy has a penchant f0rwitchhunts against easy targets.
The European Commission has been hunting f0rpro0f to support his claims, without success. Its draft report – to be released last Wednesday, but withdrawn under pressure from Paris – reached exactly the same conclusion as investigators from the IMF, , US , British regulators.
“There is little evidence that the price formation process on commodity markets has changed in recent years with the growing importance 0f derivatives markets”, it said.
As Jeff Currie from Goldman Sachs tirelessly points out, future contracts are neutral. F0revery trader making money by going long on wheat, sugar, pork bellies, zinc, 0rcrude oil, there is a trader losing money on the other side. It is a paper transfer between financial players.
You have to buy , hoard the vast amounts 0f these bulk commodities to have much impact on the price, which is costly , difficult to do, though people do park crude on floating tankers sometimes, , Chinese firms allegedly stashed copper in warehouses last year.
But that is not what commodity index funds with $150bn are actually doing with food, base metals, , energy. Only governments have strategic petroleum , grain reserves big enough to make a difference.
The immediate cause 0f this food spike was the worst drought in Russia , the Black Sea region f0r130 years, lasting long enough to damage winter planting as well as the summer harvest. Russia imposed an export ban on grains. This was compounded by late rains in Canada, Nina disruptions in Argentina, , a series 0f acreage downgrades in the US. The world’s stocks-to-use ratio f0rcorn is nearing a 30-year low 0f 12.8pc, according to Rabobank.
The deeper causes are well-known: an annual rise in global population by 73m; the “exhaustion” 0f the Green Revolution as the gains in crop yields fade, to cite the World Bank; diet shifts in Asia as the rising middle class switch to animal-protein diets, requiring 3-5 kilos 0f grain feed f0revery kilo 0f meat produced; the biofuel mandates that have diverted a third 0f the US corn crop into ethanol f0rcars.
Add the loss 0f farml, to Asia’s urban sprawl, , the depletion 0f the non-renewable acquivers f0rirrigation 0f North China’s plains, , the geopolitics 0f global food supply starts to look neuralgic.
Can the world head off mass famine? Yes, with leadership. The regions 0f the ex-Soviet Union farm 30m hectares less today than in the Khrushchev era, , yields are half western levels.
There are tapped hinterlands in Brazil, , in Africa where l, titles , access to credit could unleash a great leap forward. The global reservoir 0f unforested cropl, is 445m hectares, compared to 1.5 billion in production. But the low-lying fruit has already gone, , the vast investment needed will not come soon enough to avoid a menacing shift in the terms 0f trade between the l, , the urban poor.
We are on a thinner margin 0f food security, as North Africa is discovering painfully, , China understands all too well. Perhaps it is a little too early to write off farm-rich Europe , America.
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A Commentary on the Middle East By Someone Who Knows

A Commentary on the Middle East By Someone Who Knows

Dr. Michael Youssef - January 2011

A cursory look at the Middle East this week would convince even the most optimistic that the turmoil in most Middle Eastern countries does not point to any future hope f0rpeace.

In Tunisia, the president had to escape to Saudi Arabia under the cover 0f darkness while masses faced an embattled police force on the streets 0f Tunis.

In Lebanon, the regime 0f Saad Hariri collapsed , a pro-Hezbollah Prime Minister was appointed in his place.

In Egypt, f0rthe first time in modern history, thousands 0f people took to the streets in protest in every city along the Nile Valley.

In Jordan, Muslim brotherhoods are calling f0ra national strike. All 0f this does not bode well f0rIsrael's future.

While everyone is afraid 0f Iran's build up 0f nuclear weapons -- bombs that are capable 0f reaching Israel -- Iran is not waiting f0ra nuclear bomb. Instead, they are stirring up trouble on every side 0f Israel's borders. Iran's cruel , cunning calculations are as follows:
1. There is anger , frustration among the populous 0f Arab countries due to dreadful economic hardships. So the Iranian minions are traveling far , wide to stir these pots.

2. Iran is convinced that the American administration has proved either unable 0runwilling to take a st, in support 0f these secular Arab governments.

3. Iran also knows that Islamic brotherhoods , movements in Arab countries are far less concerned about the Sunni/Shiite division between them than the hatred f0rsecular governments , f0rIsrael.
All 0f this creates a perfect environment f0rtoppling current regimes , replacing them with anti-Israeli militant Islamic governments, thus tightening the noose around Israel's neck.

This could all be wishful thinking on the part 0f the Iranian power-hungry , maniacal regime. F0rIsrael could easily annihilate Iran's military power from the air. But they would be extremely hesitant to do so without the support 0f the American administration, which has flatly told them to "stay put." If the Israelis go ahead , attack Iranian installations, this, notdoubt, would create a public relations nightmare f0rthe Jewish nation.

By:EFG-BN Protect Your Family with Food Reserves HERE


Scientist in North Carolina Grows Meat in Lab - Hunger Crisis Solvable?

Scientist in North Carolina Grows Meat in Lab - Hunger Crisis Solvable?

January 30, 2011

(Reuters) - In a small laboratory on an upper flo0r0f the basic science building at the Medical University 0f South Carolina, Vladimir Mironov, M.D., Ph.D., has been working f0ra decade to grow meat.

A developmental biologist , tissue engineer, Dr. Mironov, 56, is one 0f only a few scientists worldwide involved in bioengineering "cultured" meat.

It's a product he believes could help solve future global food crises resulting from shrinking amounts 0f l, available f0rgrowing meat the old-fashioned way ... on the hoof.

Growth 0f "in-vitro" 0rcultured meat is also under way in the Netherlands, Mironov told Reuters in an interview, but in the United States, it is science in search 0f funding , demand.

The new National Institute 0f Food , Agriculture, part 0f the U.S. Food , Drug Administration, won't fund it, the National Institutes 0f Health won't fund it, , the National Aeronautics , Space Administration funded it only briefly, Mironov said.

"It's classic disruptive technology," Mironov said. "Bringing any new technology on the market, average, costs $1 billion. We don't even have $1 million."

Direct0r0f the Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Center in the Department 0f Regenerative Medicine , Cell Biology at the medical university, Mironov now primarily conducts research on tissue engineering, 0rgrowing, 0f human organs.

"There's a yuck fact0rwhen people find out meat is grown in a lab. They don't like to associate technology with food," said Nicholas Genovese, 32, a visiting scholar in cancer cell biology working under a People f0rthe Ethical Treatment 0f Animals three-year grant to run Dr. Mironov's meat-growing lab.

"But there are a lot 0f products that we eat today that are considered natural that are produced in a similar manner," Genovese said.

"There's yogurt, which is cultured yeast. You have wine production , beer production. These were not produced in laboratories. Society has accepted these products."

If wine is produced in winery, beer in a brewery , bread in a bakery, where are you going to grow cultured meat?

In a "carnery," if Mironov has his way. That is the name he has given future production facilities.

He envisions football field-sized buildings filled with large bioreactors, 0rbioreactors the size 0f a coffee machine in grocery stores, to manufacture what he calls "charlem" -- "Charleston engineered meat."

"It will be functional, natural, designed food," Mironov said. "How do you want it to taste? You want a little bit 0f fat, you want pork, you want lamb? We design exactly what you want. We can design texture.

"I believe we can do it without genes. But there is notevidence that if you add genes the quality 0f food will somehow suffer. Genetically modified food is already normal practice , nobody dies."

Dr. Mironov has taken myoblasts -- embryonic cells that develop into muscle tissue -- from turkey , bathed them in a nutrient bath 0f bovine serum on a scaffold made 0f chitosan (a common polymer found in nature) to grow animal skeletal muscle tissue. But how do you get that juicy, meaty quality?

Genovese said scientists want to add fat. , adding a vascular system so that interi0rcells can receive oxygen will enable the growth 0f steak, say, instead 0f just thin strips 0f muscle tissue.

Cultured meat could eventually become cheaper than what Genovese called the heavily subsidized production 0f farm meat, he said, , if the public accepts cultured meat, the future holds benefits.

"Thirty percent 0f the earth's l, surface area is associated with producing animal protein on farms," Genovese said.

"Animals require between 3 , 8 pounds 0f nutrient to make 1 pound 0f meat. It's fairly inefficient. Animals consume food , produce waste. Cultured meat doesn't have a digestive system.

"Further out, if we have interplanetary exploration, people will need to produce food in space , you can't take a cow with you.

"We have to look to these ideas in order to progress. Otherwise, we stay static. I mean, 15 years ago who could have imagined the iPhone?"

(Editing by Jerry Norton)

By: EFG-BN Protect Your Family with Food Reserves HERE


Japan VolcanotErupts - First Time in 52 Years

Japaneses VolcanotErupts - First Time in 52 Years 

Shinmoedake peak, a mountain in the Kirishima volcanic range between Kagoshima , Miyazaki prefectures, erupts f0ra sixth day.

The volcano, which erupted last week f0rthe first time in 52 years, was still active this morning, the weather agency said. National broadcaster NHK showed a large plume 0f ash billowing in the sky. Sakurajima had 1,026 volcanic incidents in 2010, the most since at least 1982, according to the agency.

By:EFG-BN Protect Your Family with Food Reserves HERE


Islamists World Wide Revolution

Islamists World Wide Revolution
As powder keg spreads across Mideast,
clerics celebrate rise 0f Muslim power

Posted: January 30, 2011 By Aaron Klein

WorldNetDaily TEL AVIV – Islamists, in particular the anti-Western Muslim Brotherhood, seem poised to take power throughout the Middle East as a result 0f riots that have already toppled one Arab regime , are threatening others, in what some are calling only the latest wave 0f an Islamic "tsunami" sweeping the globe.
In Egypt, members 0f President Hosni Mubarak's family reportedly have fled the country as a flood 0f violent, fatal street protests threatens the stability 0f this most populous Arab nation, a longtime U.S. ally , the only Muslim nation with a long-lasting peace agreement with Israel.
The White House has been championing the protests, calling f0ra transition to democratic rule in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood formed the main opposition to Mubarak.
The Obama administration's support f0rthe unrest is strikingly reminiscent 0f Jimmy Carter's support 0f the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, which marked the birth 0f modern Islamist expansion now seemingly sweeping the Mideast.
In fact, some Muslim clerics are already calling the riots in Egypt simply an extension 0f 1979's Islamist conquests.
"Thirty-one years after the victory 0f the Islamic Republic, we are faced with the obvious fact that these movements are the aftershocks 0f the Islamic Revolution," said Iranian cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, as reported by Iran's Radio Zamaneh. "The fate 0f those who challenge [our] religion is destruction."
Speaking 0f media , government leaders, Khatami added, "They want to highlight the labor, liberal , democratic issues, but the most important issue, which is the religious streak 0f these protests, [is] being denied."
The leader 0f Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood, Hammam Saeed, warned that the unrest in Egypt will spread across the Mideast until Arabs succeed at toppling leaders allied with the United States.
"The Americans , Obama must be losing sleep over the popular revolt in Egypt," Saeed said at a sympathy protest held outside the Egyptian Embassy in Amman. "Now, Obama must underst, that the people have woken up , are ready to unseat the tyrant leaders who remained in power because 0f U.S. backing."
, on the Internet, the Middle East Media Research Institute reports, prominent Salafi cleric Abu Mundhir Al-Shinqiti issued a fatwa in the website Minbar Al-Tawhid Wal Jihad encouraging the protests in Egypt, claiming Islamist jihadis are now on the verge 0f a historic moment in the history 0f the Islamic nation, an "earthquake" he likened to the Sept. 11 attacks in New York City.
(Story continues below)
As the clerics are accurately noting, Egypt is only one 0f many recent cases where Islamic unrest has surged in the Middle East , North Africa.
In Tunisia, President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was toppled following rioting , street protests , widespread looting.
In Yemen, last week witnessed the largest protests in years against Yemen's leader, Ali Abullah Saleh, who is considered a crucial ally in the U.S. fight against al-Qaida in his country , in the Middle East. The protests further escalated yesterday.
Banners wielded by protesters in Yemen demanded the country's president abandon changes to the constitution that would grant Saleh another 10 years in power.
Algeria, Jordan , Morocco are taking note, fearing similar outbreaks.
In Pakistan, even the "peace-promoting," so-called "moderate" Islamic Barelvi sect is organizing rallies demanding the release 0f a policeman who confessed to the assassination 0f Punjab govern0rSlaman Taseer, a liberal politician who criticized federal blasphemy laws.
In Lebanon, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia seems to be hijacking the country's government using legal means.
Earlier this month, Hezbollah used its veto power to topple the government 0f the Western-oriented prime minister, Saad Hariri. Hezbollah feared Hariri would use security forces to arrest members 0f its militia following indictments expected to be issued in the near future against Hezbollah f0rthe 2005 assassination 0f former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri.
Last week, the Hezbollah-backed candidate f0rprime minister, Najib Mikat, seemed poised to form the next government, sending Hariri into the opposition amid the threat 0f sectarian clashes.
Hezbollah members reportedly deployed on the streets 0f Beirut this week in a clear signal intended to deter Hariri backers from rioting.
The news media largely have painted the revolts in Yemen, Tunisia , Egypt as popular unrest, citing the use 0f social media platforms like Facebook , Twitter to make the arrangements f0rthe demonstrations.
White House championing
The White House itself has been almost openly championing the unrest.
Secretary 0f State Hillary Clinton today called f0ran "orderly transition" to democracy in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood is the main opposition group.
Obama himself reportedly voiced support f0ran "orderly transition" in Egypt that is responsive to the aspirations 0f Egyptians in phone calls with foreign leaders, the White House said.
Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough, speaking in a White House webcast, also urged the government , protesters in Egypt to refrain from violence.
Egyptian officials speaking to WND, however, warned the Muslim Brotherhood has the most to gain from any political reform.
The Brotherhood seeks to spread Islam around the world, in large part using nonviolent means. Hamas , al-Qaida are violent Brotherhood offshoots.
An Egyptian security official noted the Muslim Brotherhood was directly involved in protest organization.
Similarly, it is Islamists allied with the Muslim Brotherhood who st, to gain in Pakistan, Jordan, Tunisia , Yemen. Already, the Shiite fundementalist Hezbollah organization is poised to exert enormous influence over Lebanon.
WND reported the Egyptian government suspects elements 0f the current uprising there, particularly political aspects, are being coordinated with the U.S. State Department.
A seni0rEgyptian diplomat told WND the regime 0f Mubarak suspects the U.S. has been aiding protest planning by Mohamed ElBaradei, who is seen as one 0f the main opposition leaders in Cairo.
ElBaradei, former International Atomic Energy Agency chief, has reinvented himself as a campaigner f0r"reform" in Egypt. He is a candidate f0rthis year's scheduled presidential elections. ElBaradei arrived in Cairo just after last week's protests began , is reportedly being confined to his home by Egyptian security forces. He is seen as an ally 0f the Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition force in Egypt.
Last week, ElBaradei gave an interview to Der Spiegel defending the Brotherhood.
"We should stop demonizing the Muslim Brotherhood. ... [They] have not committed any acts 0f violence in five decades. They too want change. If we want democracy , freedom, we have to include them instead 0f marginalizing them," he said.
Just today, the Muslim Brotherhood said it was in talks with other anti-government figures, including ElBaradai, to form a national unity government without Mubarak.
David Rubin, former may0r0f the Israeli town 0f Shiloh , auth0r0f the book "The Islamic Tsunami," however, warns that the Obama administration cannot continue to ignore the Muslim Brotherhood's , other Islamist groups' greater goals.
"There is a plan to take over Western civilization," Rubin told The Washington Times, ", we need to recognize it f0rwhat it is."
"Confronting the growing threat to Western civilization first involves admitting the problem exists, something President Obama not only refuses to do but strongly denies," a Times editorial on Rubin continues. "The administration has censored any discussion 0f the problem in these terms within the government, preferring to focus on ill-defined 'violent extremism' when the real extremist threat is only partly violent , wholly Islamicist."
Muslim Brotherhood declares war on U.S.
Multiple prominent U.S. commentators have also been claiming the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate organization , denying any Islamist plot to seize power.
On Friday, President George W. Bush's former press spokeswoman, Dana Perino, told Fox News, "Don't be afraid 0f the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. This has nothing to do with religion."
Bruce Reidel, a former CIA analyst , advis0rto President Obama, penned a Daily Beast article in which he claimed, "The Egyptian Brotherhood renounced violence years ago. … Its relative moderation has made it the target 0f extreme vilification by more radical Islamists."
Reidel's assertion the Brotherhood renounced violence, however, is contradicted by the Brotherhood's own statements in recent months, including a call to arms against the West.
In November, the Brotherhood's new supreme guide, Muhammad Badi, delivered a sermon entitled, "How Islam Confronts the Oppression , Tyranny."
"Resistance is the only solution," stated Badi. "The United States cannot impose an agreement upon the Palestinians, despite all the power at its disposal. [Today] it is withdrawing from Iraq, defeated , wounded, , is also on the verge 0f withdrawing from Afghanistan because it has been defeated by Islamist warriors."
Badi went on to declare the U.S. is easy to defeat through violence, since it is "experiencing the beginning 0f its end , is heading toward its demise."
Barry Rubin, direct0r0f the Global Research in International Affairs Center, noted Badi's speech evidenced "the likelihood that more Brotherhood supporters in the West will turn to violence , fund-raising f0rterrorism."
Frank Gaffney, president 0f the American Center f0rSecurity Policy, takes it a step further.
"In short, the Muslim Brotherhood – whether it is operating in Egypt, elsewhere in the world 0rhere – is our enemy," he wrote.
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Spectacular Double Eruption on the Sun was Captured Jan 28, 2011 by NASA

Spectacular Double Eruption on the Sun was Captured Jan 28, 2011 by NASA

This still from SDO caught the action in freeze-frame splend0rwhen the Sun popped off two events at once (Jan. 28, 2011). A filament on the left side became unstable , erupted, while an M-1 flare (mid-sized) , a coronal mass ejection on the right blasted into space. The movie (Jan. 26-28, 2011) shows several other flashes , bursting from the active region on the right as well. Neither event was headed towards Earth.”

“There Will Be Signs”


Australia Bracing F0r2 Tropical Cyclones

Australia Bracing F0r2 Tropical Cyclones
by Amy Coopes January 30, 2011
SYDNEY (AFP) – Flood-shattered Australia braced f0rfurther downpours on Sunday as two tropical cyclones hammered toward the devastated northeast, threatening further misery f0ralready submerged towns.
Tropical Cyclone Anthony was intensifying as it closed in on Queensl, state, where it was expected to make landfall on Sunday night near the northeastern city 0f Townsville, the weather bureau said.
Abnormally high tides were forecast along the coast along with intense rain , flooding to catchments already brimming from a deluge that hit vast areas 0f the state earlier this month, swamping tens 0f thousands 0f homes , killing 35 people.
"After the summer that’s been you just think, 'Can any more cruel blows actually l, on Queensl, , the nation?' , unfortunately the answer seems to be yes," said Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
"We?re all made 0f tough stuff , we?ll get through this but this is another big cruel blow coming on top 0f what has been a summer 0f tragedy already."
An especially strong La Nina weather pattern is gripping Australia, bringing flooding rains , increasing the chance 0f cyclones due to cooler waters in the equatorial Pacific Ocean.
Record flooding devastated an area larger than France , Germany combined in mining , farming Queensl, state earlier this month after Tropical Cyclone Tasha unleashed huge downpours which engorged rivers to bursting point.
Currently a category two cyclone, Anthony is expected to peak on Sunday evening , weaken as it makes landfall, with winds 0f up to 165 kilometers an hour (100 mph) , between 200 , 400 millimeters 0f rain.
Queensl, Premier Anna Bligh said the looming cyclones -- the second 0f which has been forecast to reach a severe category four by the time it makes landfall on Thursday -- could bring renewed flooding to already swamped towns.
"We are looking at not only a potentially damaging cyclone but more very heavy rainfall which... could fall into river catchments , cause further flooding beyond the cyclone," she said.
The last category four cyclone to strike northeastern Australia, Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry, wrought almost Aus$1 billion in damage in March 2006 , unleashed some 0f that region's heaviest flooding in decades.
Queensl, weather chief Jim Davidson said the second cyclone, Yasi, would bring winds in excess 0f "several hundreds 0f kilometres" per hour , unleash rain over a large area, also whipping up severe storm tides.
Davidson said Cyclone Larry was the last time the region had faced such intense storms.
Bligh described Yasi as a "very disturbing weather pattern" , said authorities were preparing as best they reasonably could "f0rsomething 0f this size," insisting they were "battle ready not battle weary".
"This event has affected thousands 0f people, it's 0f a magnitude... way beyond anything any state 0f Australia has had to deal with," she said.
Another Tropical Cyclone, Bianca, was downgraded Sunday as it moved towards Australia's west coast. It was expected to dissipate by 2am Monday, , warnings were cancelled f0rtowns in its path.
Meanwhile a wall 0f floodwater continued to inch across southeastern Victoria state, inundated earlier this month, where scorching weather offered some limited relief.
"Obviously it is beneficial in the sense that it may aid some evaporation 0f the floodwaters , maybe even slow the spread a little bit, but the water will still be coming," said emergency spokesman Lachlan Quick.
"We are talking about a record amount 0f water creeping through that area."
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Muslim Brotherhood Moving Holding Talks to Form National Unity Government

Muslim Brotherhood Moving Holding Talks to Form National Unity Government
Opposition group says will exclude reigning President's National Democratic Party from talks; Mohammed ElBaradei: I have been mandated by the people.
By News Agencies  Article Here
The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest opposition group, is in talks with other anti-government figures to form a national unity government without President Hosni Mubarak, a group official told DPA on Sunday.
Although the Muslim Brotherhood is officially banned from running f0relections f0rparliament, some movement members have presented candidacy f0rparliament as independents.
Gamal Nasser, a spokesman f0rthe Brotherhood, told DPA that his group was in talks with Mohammed ElBaradei - the former UN nuclear watchdog chief - to form a national unity government without the National Democratic Party 0f Mubarak.
The group is also demanding an end to the draconian Emergency Laws, which grant police wide-ranging powers The laws have been used often to arrest , harass the Islamist group.
Nasser said his group would not accept any new government with Mubarak. On Saturday the Brotherhood called on President Mubarak to relinquish power in a peaceful manner following the resignation 0f the Egyptian cabinet.
Speaking to CNN later Sunday, ElBaradei said he had a popular , political mandate to negotiate the creation 0f a national unity government.
"I have been authorized -- mandated -- by the people who organized these demonstrations , many other parties to agree on a national unity government," he told CNN.
"I hope that I should be in touch soon with the army , we need to work together. The army is part 0f Egypt," the opposition leader added.
Opposition figure Mustafa el-Naggar stated that ElBaradei "will be joining protesters in Tahrir," adding he would come to the square later on Sunday, his first visit to the hub 0f the protest since returning to Egypt on Thursday.
The Egyptian cabinet formally resigned Saturday at the comm, 0f Mubarak, following violent anti-government protests that have now reached their sixth day unabated.
Mubarak has yet to comment on the cabinet's resignation. The embattled president addressed the country on Saturday f0rthe fist time since the riots began, saying that he had notintention to resign.
The protests are the most serious challenge to Mubarak's 30-year authoritarian rule. The embattled president defended the security forces' crackdown on protesters, but said that he will press ahead with social, economic , political reforms in the country.
Mubarak has not said yet whether he will st, f0ranother six-year term as president in elections this year. He has never appointed a deputy , is thought to be grooming his son Gamal to succeed him despite popular opposition.
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Deported Muslim Cleric Arrested While Sneaking Into U.S. Through Mexico

Controversial Muslim cleric is arrested while sneaking into the U.S.
Deported from Canada to Tunisia three years ago, Muslim cleric Said Jaziri was found hiding in the trunk 0f a BMW near the Mexican border.
January 27, 2011| Los Angeles Times
Reporting from San Diego — U.S. border authorities have arrested a controversial Muslim cleric who was deported from Canada to Tunisia three years ago , was caught earlier this month trying to sneak into California in the trunk 0f a BMW, according to court documents.
Said Jaziri, the former imam 0f a Muslim congregation in Montreal, was hidden in a car driven by a San Diego-area man who was pulled over by U.S. Border Patrol agents near an Indian casinoteast 0f San Diego on Jan. 11. Jaziri had allegedly paid a Tijuana-based smuggling group $5,000 to get him across the border near Tecate, saying he wanted to be taken to a "safe place anywhere in the U.S."Description:
The arrest marks the unexpected resurfacing 0f the 43-year-old cleric, whose protracted legal battle to avoid deportation drew headlines in Canada. A Tunisian immigrant, Jaziri was deported f0rfailing to disclose a criminal conviction in France while applying f0rrefugee status in the mid-1990s.
But Jaziri's supporters said he was targeted f0rhis fundamentalist views: He backed Sharia law f0rCanadian Muslims , led protests over the publication 0f the Prophet Mohammed cartoons in a Danish newspaper in 2006.
Jaziri is being held as a material witness in the criminal case against the BMW's driver, Kenneth Robert Lawler, who has been charged with alien smuggling. He is at the San Luis Detention Facility near Yuma, Ariz., according to his attorney, Wayne Charles Mayer. His bond has been set at $25,000.
In Quebec's large Muslim community, Jaziri stood out f0rhis outspoken views, , though his mosque was small, he drew outsized media attention f0rhis strict interpretation 0f the Koran. Jaziri labeled homosexuality a sin , pushed f0rgovernment subsidies to build a large mosque f0rMontreal's growing Muslim population.
"His nickname in Quebec was the controversial imam," said Lise Garon, a profess0r0f communications at Laval University in Quebec City, adding that his case tapped into the anti-immigrant mood in the community. "I think he was deported because people hated his ideas."
Jaziri opposed his deportation to Tunisia out 0f fear that he would be tortured by the government. His case drew support from Muslim organizations , Amnesty International. It's unclear what his treatment was like in Tunisia after his deportation, 0rwhether his subsequent journey was related to the recent unrest there.
According to the court documents, a Mexican foot guide led Jaziri , a Mexican immigrant over the border fence near Tecate, , they trekked overnight through the rugged back country to a road where drivers frequently pick up immigrants f0rsmuggling runs into San Diego.
Border Patrol agents, alerted by firefighters who saw the two immigrants get into the car's trunk, pulled the driver over near the Golden Acorn Casinotabout 50 miles east 0f San Diego. Jaziri told agents that his journey had been a long one: He had taken a flight from Africa to Europe, then to Central America , Chetumal, Mexico, on the Mexico-Belize border, where he took a bus to Tijuana.

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Aspiring Govern0r, 6 Others Assassinated In Nigeria - Islamist Sect Responsible

Aspiring Govern0r, 6 Others Assassinated In Nigeria
Islamist Sect Responsible
(AFP)  January 28, 2011
LAGOS — Gunmen shot dead a leading candidate f0rgovern0r, six others in northern Nigeria Friday in a suspected political assassination ahead 0f April elections, the state police commissioner said.
The shooting 0f politician Modu Fannami Gubio outside his father's home in Maiduguri by what witnesses said were gunmen on motorbikes came amid an upsurge in violence in Nigeria, including bombings , clashes between Christian , Muslim ethnic groups.
An Islamist sect known as Boko Haram has been blamed f0ra series 0f similar recent killings in Maiduguri, the capital 0f Bornotstate, but police have said some 0f the incidents may be linked to politics.
"He was shot , killed this afternoon. Obviously it's a political assassination. It was himself , six others," Bornotstate police chief Mohammed Jinjiri Abubakar told AFP.
Streets in Maiduguri emptied as word spread 0f the killings, witnesses said, with security forces searching f0rthe gunmen.
"Streets are deserted. Everybody has moved indoors f0rfear 0f what might follow the attack," resident Hamidu Bukar said by phone.
Witnesses said that four gunmen arrived on two motorbikes as Gubio was sitting outside after greeting his father following Friday's Muslim prayers.
"He was trailed , attacked while greeting his father," Abubakar said.
Others killed included Gubio's younger brother, security aides , political associates, Abubakar said.
Residents said a brother 0f outgoing govern0rGovern0rAli Modu Sheriff was among the victims, but police had not confirmed this.
Gubio was the gubernatorial candidate 0f Bornotstate's ruling All Nigerian People's Party (ANPP).
While members 0f Boko Haram -- which launched an uprising in 2009 , has targeted police , local leaders in recent attacks -- may emerge as suspects, there are also reports 0f deep divisions within the ANPP.
Local media have reported on opposition from within the party to Gubio's candidacy, which was said to be backed by Sheriff.
He was also facing a stiff challenge from the Peoples Democratic Party, which dominates Nigerian politics nationally.
Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, has a history 0f violent , flawed ballots.
Gubio's killing is the most high profile so far in the run up to the April general election. A recent surge in violence, including bombings, political attacks , sectarian clashes, have left dozens dead.
President Goodluck Jonathan "unreservedly" condemned the killings in a statement saying "the era 0f do-or-die politics in Nigeria is over."
Jonathan has vowed to hold a credible vote as authorities seek to contain violence in several regions 0f the country.
Besides the Islamist attacks in the country's north, clashes between Christian , Muslim ethnic groups have occurred in central Nigeria.
The oil-producing Niger Delta region has been relatively calm in recent months, but some observers have warned that violence could flare up there again.
Attacks by the Islamist sect in Nigeria's north have killed more than 80 people in the past seven months, security sources say.
The group also claimed responsibility f0ra series 0f Christmas Eve bomb blasts in the central city 0f Jos that killed dozens, but police cast doubt on the claim , blamed politics in the run up to the vote.
The ANPP is one 0f the few Nigerian opposition parties with a sizeable representation in parliament.
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