Fever of quinoa fuel violence in Bolivia
Quinoa cause strong disputes in Bolivia grain.
Than by NASA as one of the food "most complete" to humans due to its high nutrient content, quinoa has become a grain of fashion and now forms the center of a violent conflict areas of Bolivia.
The cultivation of cereals, championed by proponents of healthy food everywhere in the world a border has reignited the new between the main areas of the producing country. According to some sources, also desertification in a region that is inhospitable to agriculture threatens the plantations.
The confrontation between the producers of the towns of Quillacas and Coroma in the Western Bolivian quinoa, left eight wounded last month after the Governor of the Department of Potosí, Felix Gonzalez, calls the Central Government the militarisation of the area.
According to local media, the conflict as a hostage in the same region were taken in March three farmers from Potosí in the context. The representation of the United Nations in Bolivia offered to mediate.
According to the newspaper La razon, dozens of Bolivians injured effects by stone and an explosion of dynamite and a hundred police were deployed to control the situation.
The clashes occurred in an area that join two large regions Bolivia quinoa for the departments of Oruro and Potosí, and probably produce the world.
The fever of the quinoa real video: a miracle with risks of quinoa, quinoa, a miracle with risks in Bolivia
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