Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What happens if we invest in developing our people and then they leave the company

Tom Walsh, PhD • I often think that the only real asset any organization has is it's people. They are the the source or the creativity and innovation, the execution of strategies and tactics. Nothing else really matters unless you have the right people in the right seats and are engaging them fully.

Developing people which is normally part of a culture of an esteemed organisation, ensures the people in the Company are continuously learning and are up to date with the latest technology and skills.

This contributes to overall profitabiltity of the Company, by increased contribution from well trained people and also increases the brand value of the Company.

This should more than offset the loss caused by a few trained employees leaving the organisation.

There is no business without investments and courage to take also risks in doing it. However, it is healthy to look at where, when and how it make sense to be done this investment ;-)

Developing people helps the organisation right NOW and also in the long term through collective learning. Go ahead and develop your People and your Business, it is our need.

Devesh Rastogi • After a stage , employees look for more creative satisfaction than mere monetory gains. Scale may vary from person to person. So , it right exposure and opportunities for growth are provided to the employee , chances are that they will not leave. Spending money to keep them updated will not only help the organization creating a positive and market ready competitive edge ; but also to the individual. Its a win win game.

Nancy Slessenger Training and development is often the first casualty of cutbacks. Which is understandable, but in the long term a risky decision.

The goal of development is to ensure that people have the skills to do their jobs, both now and in the future. That sounds very narrow, but it doesn’t have to be.

In order to work out what development people need, you need to make sure they have clear objectives in the first place. Once you have those, it’s a relatively easy job to work out what extra skills or improvements people need in order to do their jobs.

This should include both ‘soft’ skills and technical skills.

Apparently Peter Drucker was once asked by a senior manager what he should learn in order to be a better manager. “The violin.” Was his response.

From what we know about the brain, learning just about anything is better than not learning at all.

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At September 25, 2017 at 6:58 AM , Blogger tyson said...

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