Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Electromagnetic Pulse , Prepare Now U.S. - Priority Hardening List

The EMP Defense Council(C) Announces the Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Priority Hardening List Ranked by Industry Vulnerability, , Proposes a Markets-Based Approach to Addressing Solar 0rNuclear EMP Events

Jan 17, 2011
SAN DIEGO, CA--(Marketwire - January 17, 2011) - In order to prepare America f0ran Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) event, whether solar 0rnuclear, today the EMP Defense Council© announced the generally prioritized list below 0f critical industries, products , services that must be EMP-hardened nationwide as soon as possible. Moreover, to varying extents, all must embrace systems redundancy, be point self-sufficient ("micro autarky"), self-powered , have manual override systems 0rcontrols where appropriate.
This EMP-hardening list is prioritized by the number 0f civilian deaths that could be avoided nationwide within the first 1-48 hours 0f an EMP event -- if proper preparedness steps are taken. Assuming notpreparation, within 48 hours, approximately 250,000 - 350,000 Americans would die nationwide in a sudden EMP event -- equivalent to all American deaths in 4 - 6 Vietnam "conflicts" in only two days. The prioritized hardening list is:
(1) Airplane avionics , air traffic control & communication systems
(2) Hospital ICU (intensive care unit) medical equipment , power sources, as well as implanted electronic medical devices in ambulatory patients
(3) The electrical grid in general, , especially nuclear power plant control systems (e.g., intense sparking 0f high-power lines would immediately cause hundreds 0f forest fires nationwide)
(4) Back-up generators , large-scale battery arrays f0rcritical services
(5) Emergency response vehicles & services (police, fire, medical)
(6) Elevat0rcontrol , escape systems
(7) Gas & oil pipeline-pressure monitors , electronically-controlled valves , routing systems
(8) Cell phones , cell-phone towers & transmission equipment
(9) TV & radio broadcast & reception equipment
(10) Water pumping stations , water supply control systems; and
(11) The food , drug refrigeration, distribution , delivery networks nationwide.
"As an example, 0f the approximately 5,000 commercial airliners airborne nationwide at any moment, in a large-scale nuclear EMP event, 1,000 - 2,000 would immediately become inoperable , be forced to land. Most would crash, leading to 100,000 to 250,000 deaths in a few minutes," noted David Palella, Founder 0f the EMP Defense Council©.
Thus, the Council encourages all national , international standards-setting organizations to immediately begin drafting , publishing guidelines f0rEMP-resistant consumer , industrial products. Such organizations include IEEE, Underwriters Laboratory (UL), Semiconduct0rEquipment & Materials International (SEMI), the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), , the Alliance 0f Automobile Manufacturers. 
Manufacture liability f0rproducts that are not EMP-resistant must be self-insured 0rinsured, but cannot be excused away as an "Act 0f God" in the case 0f solar EMP 0r"Act 0f War 0rTerrorism" in the case 0f nuclear EMP. The conservatively estimated probability 0f an EMP event, combining solar , nuclear, is 50:50 over the next 15 - 25 years [Dr. Erl, Wittkotter 0f EMP Preparedness 2013]. Thus, the near-term , eventual occurrence 0f EMP is highly predictable by any rational actor, , planning f0r, insuring against EMP events is the fiduciary responsibility 0f all corporate board members.
"America has a long history 0f investing significant resources to prepare f0rhigh-impact, low-frequency (HILF) events. Examples include earthquake building codes, flame-resistant clothing standards, EMF (electro-magnetic field) warnings from utility companies, , automobile airbags. Likewise, in retrospect, adoption 0f universal standards f0rEMP-resistant durable goods, industrial machinery , electrical grid infrastructure will appear to be a logical precaution f0rany advanced civilization to take," observed David Palella.
Promulgation 0f EMP-resistant product standards by independent 3rd-parties, combined with novel legal theories 0f manufacturer liability f0rproducts unduly susceptible to EMP, will allow market forces to foster the more rapid introduction 0f EMP-resistant products -- thus greatly reducing America's vulnerability to any type 0f EMP event.
If done in the design phase, basic hardening 0f products against EMP adds only 3 - 5% to manufacturing cost, according to published sources. Inexpensive hardening 0rproduct-damage minimization may be accomplished via increased use 0f fuses, insulators, Faraday caging (e.g., Mylar® shielding), multiple grounding strategies, , automatic disconnection 0f long conducting wires when a product is not in use. 
In particular, companies, schools, residents , government entities in San Diego, California -- host to the world's largest U.S. military installation , therefore a prime terrorist target -- are encouraged to take an active role in preparing f0rEMP -- whether solar 0rnuclear.
The EMP Defense Council©, a business unit 0f BioScience Ventures Inc., acts as a catalyst to mobilize companies, industry associations, standards-setting groups, product designers, engineering schools , government entities to prepare America f0rEMP



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