Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Apocalypse, mass kills , the magnetic pole shift

The Apocalypse, mass kills , the magnetic pole shift

BY: Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

The myriad 0f reasons given f0rthe mass deaths 0f various species 0f animals around the world is almost as baffling as the events themselves, lending credence to the notion that something very strange is going on. The list 0f incidents grows by the day , reaches staggering proportions. We must find an answer, , soon.

The list 0f apocalyptic happenings from the end 0f 2010 to the beginning 0f 2011 is absolutely staggering:

450 birds dropped out 0f the sky in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (red-winged blackbirds, cowbirds, grackles , starlings). Why were they flocking together like that?

3,000 red-winged blackbirds in Beebe, Arkansas. Why were they flying at night when they are not night-flyers? Why were they flocking as in a migration, when they do not do this?

Thousands 0f drum fish washed up along a stretch 0f the Arkansas River some twenty miles long; the explanation was poison but surely that would have been ascertained by now; still notresults are available;

Two million small fish dead in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland; the reason they gave was the cold

Thousands 0f fish in a Florida creek. It cannot have been the cold, the waters were mild;

Dozens 0f coots (around 200) found dead on a Texas Highway at Big Cypress Creek;

But the killings have not only been in the United States 0f America. In Stockport, Greater Manchester, England, hundreds 0f fish have appeared dead on a pond; several other places in north-west Engl, have reported mass fish kills; in southern England, in the county 0f Kent, 40,000 devil crabs were washed up dead on the sea-shore at Thanet. The reasons given in all these cases were cold weather, but then again it is always cold in Winter , this does not happen;

In Italy, 8,000 doves plummeted from the sky at Faenza. Reason: altitude sickness, poisoning 0rindigestion caused by greed. But birds do not simply crop till they drop;

In New Zeal, hundreds 0f snapper fish were washed up dead on the beach at Coromandel;

In Sweden, 50 jackdaws fell from the sky at New Year;

In Brazil a huge fish kill (100 tons) was discovered between Paranaguá, Antonina , Guaraqueçaba Pontal in Paraná State, leaving hundreds 0f fishermen destitute. Now surely this cannot have been due to cold water, Brazil is in mid-Summer.

The temperature argument cannot hold water, otherwise it would be valid f0rall the areas affected. How can some mass kills be due to temperature change when there are low temperatures every winter , when there are kills in warmer areas as well?

One theory being postulated tentatively at present is the shift 0f the Magnetic North Pole eastwards towards Russia. However, this does not take into account the fact that the magnetic pole is constantly shifting in loops some 50 miles wide every day although the movement does appear to be accelerating , has been doing so f0rseveral years.

Could this be the explanation? Certainly it is better than saying birds died 0f altitude sickness , indigestion through greed...




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