Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Emergency Preparedness - A Quick Review

Emergency Preparedness - A Quick Review

Emergency Preparedness – Planning Ahead

Preparing f0ran emergency now, provides you your best chance 0f survival, in the event 0f an actual attack. Emergency preparedness should always be considered in the home , workplace f0rany unexpected event.

This site provides a step-by-step approach to emergency preparedness by walking the reader through emergency plans in a variety 0f scenarios. As you make your emergency plan, carefully consider the information you’ll find throughout this website.

Introduction To Emergency Preparedness

Devastating acts, such as 911 , the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center , the Pentagon, have left many concerned about the possibility 0f future events , their potential impact. They have raised uncertainty , heightened our awareness 0f the importance 0f emergency preparedness. There are specific steps you can take to prepare f0rthe unexpected , reduce the stress that you may feel now , later should another emergency arise. Taking preparatory action can reassure you, your family , co-workers n that you can exert a measure 0f control even in the face 0f such events.

Emergency Preparedness – What You Can Do to

Finding out what can happen is the first step. Once you have determined the events possible , their potential in your community, it is important that you discuss them with your family 0rhousehold. Develop a disaster/ emergency preparedness plan together.

Create an emergency communications plan

Choose an out-of-town contact your family 0rhousehold will call 0re-mail to check on each other should a disaster occur. Your selected contact should live far enough away that they would be unlikely to be directly affected by the same event, , they should know they are the chosen contact.

Make sure every household member has that contact’s, , each others, e-mail addresses , telephone numbers (home, work, pager , cell). Leave these contact numbers at your children schools, if you have children, , at your workplace. Your family should know that if telephones are not working, they need to be patient , try again later 0rtry e-mail. Many people flood the telephone lines when emergencies happen but e-mail can sometimes get through when calls don’t.

Establish meeting places

Having predetermined meeting places away from your home will save time , minimize confusion should your home be affected 0rthe area evacuated. You may even want to make arrangements to stay with a family member 0rfriend in case 0f an emergency. Be sure to include any pets in these plans, since pets are not permitted in shelters , some hotels will not accept them. Have two emergency locations, each in opposite directions. You won’t know, until an actual emergency, which direction you will need to evacuate.

Assemble a disaster supplies 0r72 hour emergency preparedness kit.

If you need to evacuate your home 0rare asked to “shelter in place,” having some essential supplies on h, will make you , your family more comfortable. Prepare an emergency preparedness kit in an easy-to-carry container such as a duffel bag 0rsmall plastic trash can. Include “special needs” items f0rany member 0f your household (infant formula 0ritems f0rpeople with disabilities 0rolder people), first aid supplies (including prescription medications), a change 0f clothing f0reach household member, a sleeping bag 0rbedroll f0reach, a battery powered radio 0rtelevision , extra batteries, food, bottled water , tools.

It is also a good idea to include some cash , copies 0f important family documents (birth certificates, passports , licenses) in your kit. Copies 0f essential documents-like powers 0f attorney, birth , marriage certificates, insurance policies, life insurance beneficiary designations , a copy 0f your will-should also be kept in a safe location outside your home. A safe deposit box 0rthe home 0f a friend 0rfamily member who lives out 0f town is a good choice.

Check On Emergency Plans F0rSchool Aged Children

You need to know if they will they keep children at school until a parent 0rdesignated adult can pick them up 0rsend them home on their own. Be sure that the school has updated information about how to reach parents , responsible caregivers to arrange f0rpickup. And, ask what type 0f authorization the school may require to release a child to someone you designate, if you are not able to pick up your child. During times 0f emergency the school telephones may be overwhelmed with calls.

* Remain calm , be patient.
* Follow the advice 0f local emergency officials.
* Listen to your radio 0rtelevision f0rnews , instructions.
* If the disaster occurs near you, check f0rinjuries. Treat serious injuries.

If the disaster occurs near your home while you are there, check f0rdamage using a flashlight. Do not light matches 0rcandles 0rturn on electrical switches. Check f0rfires, fire hazards , other household hazards. Sniff f0rgas leaks, starting at the water heater. If you smell gas 0rsuspect a leak, turn off the main gas valve, open windows, , get everyone outside quickly.

* Shut off any damaged utilities.
* Confine 0rsecure your pets.
* Call your family contact , don't use phone again except in emergency.
* Check on your neighbors, especially those who are elderly 0rdisabled.

What Could Happen – Emergency Planning

As we learned from the events 0f September 11, 2001, the following things can happen after a terrorist attack:

* There can be significant numbers 0f casualties and/0rdamage to buildings
* Heavy law enforcement involvement at local, state , federal levels
* Health , mental health resources in the affected communities are overloaded
* Extensive media coverage, strong public fear , international implications.
* Workplaces , schools may be closed, , travel restrictions may be enforced
* You , your family 0rhousehold may have to evacuate an area.

Evacuation in an emergency

If local authorities ask you to leave your home, they have a good reason to make this request, , you should heed the advice immediately. Listen to your radio 0rtelevision , follow the instructions 0f local emergency officials , keep these simple tips in mind.

* Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants , sturdy shoes
* Take your disaster supplies kit.
* Take your pets with you; do not leave them behind.
* Lock your home.
* Use travel routes specified by local authorities, don’t use shortcuts.
* Stay away from downed power lines.
* Listen to local authorities.

If you’re sure you have time …additional emergency preparedness actions

* Call your family contact to tell them where you are going , arrival plans.
* Shut off water , electricity before leaving, if instructed to do so.
* Close , lock all windows , exteri0rdoors. Turn off electrical appliances
* Go to an interi0rroom without windows that’s above ground level.
* In the case 0f a chemical threat stay above ground , seal off doors/windows
* Using duct tape, seal all cracks around the do0r, any vents into the room.
* Keep listening to your radio 0rtelevision until you are told all is safe.

Additional Steps You Can Take

Raw, unedited footage 0f terrorism events , people’s reaction to those events can be very upsetting, especially to children. We do not recommend that children watch television news reports about such events, especially if the news reports show images over , over again about the same incident. Young children do not realize that it is repeated video footage, , think the event is happening again , again.

Adults may also need to give themselves a break from watching disturbing footage. However, listening to local radio , television reports will provide you with the most accurate information from responsible governmental authorities on what’s happening , what actions you will need to take. So you may want to make some arrangements to take turns listening to the news with other adult members 0f your household.

Another useful preparation includes learning some basic first aid. To enroll in a first aid , AED/CPR course, contact your local American Red Cross chapter.

In an emergency situation, you need to tend to your own well-being first , then consider first aid f0rothers immediately around you, including possibly assisting injured people to evacuate a building if necessary.

People who may have come into contact with a biological 0rchemical agent may need to go through a decontamination procedure , receive medical attention. Listen to the advice 0f local officials on the radio 0rtelevision to determine what steps you will need to take to protect yourself , your family. As emergency services will likely be overwhelmed, only call 9-1-1 about life-threatening emergencies.

Emergency preparedness – Each Persons Responsibility

Don’t wait until disaster strikes to realize the benefits 0f a good emergency preparedness plan. Begin gathering the items you will need , going over your plan with all family members, at regular intervals.

By: The eFoods Global Business Network



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