Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The difficulties of Petrobras to star in the region remain

In 2007, the oil reserves found large of crude oil into the Atlantic Ocean.

It is one of the largest companies in Latin America and set several heads of State and Government of the region it as an example to follow: the Brazilian oil company of Petrobras en Vogue, is as the national challenges grow.

Part of the admiration that Petrobras produces in other Latin American countries is found due to its size and expectations about the huge oil reserves in the coast of Brazil.

It is estimated that known as Pré-sal the largest company in the field could cause these reserves the country in one of the five largest producers of oil in the world by 2020 and Petrobras maybe listed.

This is a promising prospect for a Latin American company in which the Government owns the majority of shares.

Argentina President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, referred to as a model to imitate Petrobras when he last month announced the nationalization of the oil company YPF in his country.

And the Mexican presidential candidate Josefina Vázquez Mota, that ruling party of national action (PAN), argues that Petrobras is a "very inspiring model" for Petroleos of Mexicanos (PEMEX is).

"There a very important example for how a loss-making company () was"

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