Tuesday, January 3, 2012

farm town fast level up easy trick in facebook

how to make fast level up in farm town? is more question of some new player in farm town, right now i will tell you the trick to grow up your level in a second.

farm town in facebook level up cheat :
  1. the firs time you must install auto click on your desktop or laptop computer, as auto click is as good to farm town
  2. open your farm town game with chrome (google chrome) as browser, open on 10 new tabs or more
  3. buy hay bale, placement hay bale use auto click at some area
  4. do trick number 3 at all tabs
  5. in a second you will got 50 exp farm town in facebook
  6. to get money you can open some wall of you friends, and click all bonus share from they are
  7. enjoy and keep gaming
for other farm town gift links you can see in links below
fuel links for farm town
cow milk gift links for farm town

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