Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Food Insurance - Do You Have It? Do You Need It?

Are You Really Insured?

We all have various kinds 0f insurance f0rvarious reasons. Auto, home, malpractice, dental, life, , the list go on; but do you have FOOD INSURANCE? Most families don't. With our economy spiraling downward, , the cost 0f goods , services including food spiking higher every month, there will soon come a tipping point 0f notreturn.

Our most important necessities f0rlife are food, water , oxygen. We can only live f0ra few weeks without food, , only a few days without adequate hydration.

In recent days, we have watched the foiled terrorism plots in several U.S. cities, only days apart, , just last Saturday, we were all gripped to our television screens in disbelief, as we watched the aftermath 0f Senat0rGifford's attempted assassination.

If you are like me, it’s difficult to remove the images from our minds from horrific past events like Katrina 0r911. Those who survived these tragedies have these images seared into memory f0ra life-time.

The Tuscon Arizona tragedy is just another reminder 0f the times in which we are living.

We have to face reality. The threat 0f terrorism in our country is greater than ever before. Our economic system is struggling, , the loss 0f jobs across our nation is not slowing down.

Be Honest

It is important to honestly take time to review our survival plans , strategies, , to also make sure that we have the basic necessities 0f life taken care of, before disaster strikes. Having adequate amounts 0f food at home stored f0rthe unforeseen , sometimes the unthinkable, is smart planning.

Economists are warning 0f food inflation as soon as 2011. But the truth is that food inflation is already here.

What To Expect If Something Unforeseen 0rUnthinkable Happens

Most conservative estimates from those who have worked in disasters first h, say that you need to have at least a week 0f food reserves available at home.

When a disaster occurs, you should expect relief in notless than 3 days. This means that at minimum you will have to feed your family from available food reserves f0ra 3 day period.

In more serious disasters, 0rthose which we call the unthinkable, a month’s supply 0f food reserves f0revery family member may be needed, , as greater threats to our national security increase, even a 3 month supply 0f food may not be enough.

Electricity, gas , other utilities such as water may not be available 0rsafe f0ruse. Considering alternative solutions in the event that these services are interrupted is a vital part 0f preparedness planning.

Storing high quality, non-perishable, minimal preparation food is necessary f0rshort term solutions, , if longer term survival is necessary, you may need to calculate your respective needs based on length 0f time, , number 0f family members 0rfriends who will need to be sustained during this period.

It now easier to calculate what you may need in terms 0f food storage, as many new emerging suppliers 0f high quality food reserves are very clear as to how many servings are included in their packaging.

Good News

The best news is that there is notlonger any need to save canned goods , mark dates on cans , other products. There is also notneed to track expiration dates on canned goods, , the loss 0f investment by having to throw away outdated products from your inventory has also been minimized. Choosing the right food reserves supplier is important however.

Storage Area

Setting aside a specific area where you will store your emergency supplies , food reserves is probably good wisdom. Remember that some foods, even though packaged in state-of-the-art packaging are best kept in cooler temperatures.

If you have some emergency supplies located in a garage, make sure that you have access to that garage by key. If electricity service is disrupted you will not be able to open the garage, unless you have access from inside your home.

Final Thoughts

Many food reserve products are available, but the companies that allow you to try their food first, regardless 0f a shipping charge that they may require, are usually the ones where you will find the highest quality. In short, they are not afraid 0f people tasting their food.

1. As you formalize your emergency preparedness program, , make plans to secure your food reserves having a planning meeting with everyone involved is recommended.
2. Everyone involved knows why , f0rwhat reason the family is making plans to secure various emergency survival items, including food.
3. Make a list 0f all the items that everyone feels that they will need in a disaster situation, , then eliminate the unnecessary.
4. Take the next step , secure the most important , necessary items first. This should include food, water, , if possible any alternative cooking options such as propane stoves, etc.
5. Be careful not to start so fast, that you end up placing yourself in a financial crisis. Using money cards can help you minimize the interest charges from credit card purchases.

Some food reserves companies offer great incentives to join their networks. Perks can include earning free food credits which can be used to buy more food which helps to build your reserve storage.

Concluding Remarks

The majority 0f articles written on emergency food preparedness usually cover the most important food purchases that you need to make over time. I will not do that in this article. There are countless sites where you can find that information.

I am a strong believer in the new companies that have emerged in recent months who offer a complete , healthy variety 0f food choices packaged well f0rlong term food reserve storage.

Programs are available f0revery budget. They are great f0ra single individual, 0rf0rlarge families. The secret is to start now, by allocating some 0f your financial resources month by month, , when you are done you will have an adequate supply 0f high quality food reserves which do not expire f0r15-20 years.

Peace 0f mind is important, , having the right kind 0f insurance to protect your family if the unforeseen 0runthinkable happens is smart planning. Make sure to add Food Insurance to your budget. Just do it!

EFG-BN has a network 0f business minded distributors who are available to help you not only secure your food reserve storage, but they are passionate about helping you to also develop a second business in your local community.

Everyone needs emergency food reserves, , everyone needs food insurance.

You can email us directly at decisionpointfoodreserves@gmail.com

By: The eFoods Global Business Network



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